Experiences in Outreach

Thursday, February 07, 2008

The Love In Doing Laundry

Traditionally, on Thursday morning, I treat one of our lady's to a breakfast who we met six years ago in a homeless shelter. She has a home now, and cleans the Upreach Center as a part of her ministry. We spend part of our time together during breakfast praying for the food distribution that takes place later in the morning. She brought a friend with her this morning who was homeless at about the same time. She was quite a talker and was going on and on about her washer and dryer she had gotten and what a blessing from God they were that she could get up and do her laundry each day. I thought to myself, "when is she going to stop talking about her laundry and move on to something more important"? Then it hit me. This lady used to haul her laundry to a laundry mat by walking or upon occassion got a ride from a friend.

I do my laundry each Friday morning and dread the fact that I have to gather the laundry basket full of dirty clothes, walk 30 feet to the garage, and put them in a washer and dryer that we have always had. In fact, I don't remember a time in my life that we didn't have at least a washer. When I was very young my mother hung the clothes outside. This lady felt so loved by God, being able to do her laundry without leaving her apartment.

The lesson to me was this. God loves us in the big things and the little things like: roofs over our heads, electric stoves and ovens, furniture, carpet, food, TV's, cars, lamps, beds with electric blankets, clothes and yes, washers and driers.

Thank you Lord for loving me in the little things.


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