I Became Angry
In just a few days, I will complete six years of my ministry on staff here a Central, and in the first weeks of the ministry I met a young lady who was needing some financial assistance. She would come to our food distribution and so I saw her just about every week. She basically lived in different houses of those who would take her for some reason or another. In the time that I have known her she has lost two children to child protective services and her life seems to have very little direction. She has been in jail a number of times on different charges. Most of them drug and alcohol related. She has what I consider a very calm and sweet spirit and a few years back I talked with her about her life and how I felt that she had a great deal of potential with some grooming, shelter and financial stability. I even offered to help her by entering her in a job program here at the church building which would open up a number of possibilites for her. She just looked at me, shook her head, and said, "Oh Mark", as if to say "you just don't understand". She didn't ever see herself as being any different than what she was. So I just resigned myself to pray for her and continue contact with her as long as I could. I don't see her now but about once a month.
Two weeks ago, I saw her again on the street corner approaching car windows asking for money, which is pretty aggressive based on the fact that most stand on the street corner holding a sign. She must have needed the money badly and probably not for good reasons. I sat in my truck finding myself getting angry and wanting to get out of my truck, shake her and tell her again, "You don't have to do this". I then remembered something that I have learned over the past six years. Many of these folks have layers and layers of issues that have to be peeled back to get to the root of what convinces them that they can't do any better.
So, I just shook my head and did what I normally do and that is give them over to God in prayer and ask Him to give me wisdom to deal with these complex issues.
Two weeks ago, I saw her again on the street corner approaching car windows asking for money, which is pretty aggressive based on the fact that most stand on the street corner holding a sign. She must have needed the money badly and probably not for good reasons. I sat in my truck finding myself getting angry and wanting to get out of my truck, shake her and tell her again, "You don't have to do this". I then remembered something that I have learned over the past six years. Many of these folks have layers and layers of issues that have to be peeled back to get to the root of what convinces them that they can't do any better.
So, I just shook my head and did what I normally do and that is give them over to God in prayer and ask Him to give me wisdom to deal with these complex issues.
Mark, I can not even imagine how frustrating that has to be. I am thankful you have insights into the culture of poverty and what that involves.
Arlene Kasselman, at 11:16 AM
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