Looking Past The Repulsive
Today, we had a cookout at our weekly food distribution. Nearing the end of time to start cleaning up, five homeless men came up to get a hot dog and all the fix ins. There appearance was typical as you might expect someone to look after spending day and night on the streets. I did not recognize any of them with the exception of one who had been there before and is usually pretty intoxicated.
After they got their food and sat down on the ground, I went over to introduce myself to them and start a light conversation. Knowing from past experience that most homeless people are ignored for various reasons and they love it when people just speak to them, they immediately wanted me to listen to them and usually they want to get real close to you to tell their story. Most of these men had been drinking or were semi-high on something and hard to understand at times. Fighting past the smell, the appearance, the invasion of personal space that had me tempted to just get away, I listened to their words. They saw me as having some special connection with God that others didn't and asked me to pray for them and their safety because of the danger they face living on the street.
After they finished their meal in which they thanked me time and time again for, we gathered in a circle and started to pray. They took off their hats after being prompted by the leader of the group and respectfully bowed as I prayed for their safety and comfort while living a life on the street. When the prayer ended they each walked up to me for a hug and as they walked out they greeted, thanked, and hugged those who were responsible for serving the food. They experienced something special this morning. Maybe just kind people doing a good deed or perhaps God in the bodies of His children, the church. Either way, God is teaching us to look past the outside and seek the internal.
Sorry it's been a while since I blogged.
After they got their food and sat down on the ground, I went over to introduce myself to them and start a light conversation. Knowing from past experience that most homeless people are ignored for various reasons and they love it when people just speak to them, they immediately wanted me to listen to them and usually they want to get real close to you to tell their story. Most of these men had been drinking or were semi-high on something and hard to understand at times. Fighting past the smell, the appearance, the invasion of personal space that had me tempted to just get away, I listened to their words. They saw me as having some special connection with God that others didn't and asked me to pray for them and their safety because of the danger they face living on the street.
After they finished their meal in which they thanked me time and time again for, we gathered in a circle and started to pray. They took off their hats after being prompted by the leader of the group and respectfully bowed as I prayed for their safety and comfort while living a life on the street. When the prayer ended they each walked up to me for a hug and as they walked out they greeted, thanked, and hugged those who were responsible for serving the food. They experienced something special this morning. Maybe just kind people doing a good deed or perhaps God in the bodies of His children, the church. Either way, God is teaching us to look past the outside and seek the internal.
Sorry it's been a while since I blogged.
Glad you are back, Mark. Thanks for sharing.
Arlene Kasselman, at 1:10 PM
Yeah, I totaly know what you mean about most the people who live on the street just want to tell you their story.
We cook out every Thursday here in Macon, GA and invite the people who live downtown to join us. At times it becomes a challenge, but all in all we are simply trying to show a physical representation of the love of Christ.
Keep listening and acting on those divine moments.
Brian Bowen, at 2:24 PM
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